Monday, March 8, 2010

corruption in the marinette county court system

i am a father of 4 kids in which i have custody. i am a resident of michigan, but the mother(divorced) enrolled my daughter in marinette schools without authorization. a truancy was filed by marinette county. we moved back to our home state of michigan where we have lived for the past 3 years. marinette issued a warrant for my 13 year old daughter for truancy and threw her in a juvenile detention in marquette without notifying me of her whereabouts. marinette county then, assigned a social worker from adapt. it just so happens the social worker is a relative of mine whom i do not speak to. the social workers are bias and due to the conflict, should have relieved themselves from the case due to being a blood relative. instead, they remain on the case and are very oppinionated against me because of family matters. corrupt enough to hang onto the case to prove a point to me by making unreasonable recommendations to hold a 13 year old girl from her family, holding her in a state in which she does not reside, and attempting to force unreasonable punishment on a minor. causing mental strain on the child and the family when a more reasonable and appropriate punishment could be given. the social workers and group home in which my daughter is currently placed have been mentally abusing my daughter by continually telling my child that they are going to keep her locked up for a year. they are saying this to her and my child hasnt even been to court. how can a social worker or group home employee make such statements prior to a court hearing.(part of the mental abuse mind games marinette county employees are taught to use to weaken their victoms).
district attorney allen brey, is a piece of work. he is consistantly at cusacks bar after court hours, drinking whiskey until sloppy drunk. then he drives himself home from the bar. he prosecutes dui cases and is a offender himself. mr. allen brey wastes tax dollars by trying cases that he knows he wont win. he plans the cases for trial and goes thru the motions for months,running up costs and wastes court time, then he drops the case. he muliciously prosucutes innocent people by bringing up their juvenile record then is 20 or more years old. trys to paint pictures of people making them out to be bad parents, bad children, bad whatever. when he is the biggest piece of trash that works within the state bar and employed by the county and paid by tax dollars. currently, he is recommending that my daughters truancy case be heard in marinette, and is recommending that my daughter remain in custody. wants to force custody away from me and back to the mother(whom lost and doesnt want custody). because HE wants to hold on to the case and force my daughter thru the system in marinette county(thus generating cash for the system) but wasteing tax dollars for supervision when the child could be supervised just as easily in michigan. abusing the jurisdiction laws by conspiring a so called loop hole that is misapplied in his every case. i have requested that they drop the case and allow my daughter to come home so she can attend school in michigan. they would rather keep her locked away and prevent her from attending school. my child is enrolled in michigan school, which she is missing days of attendence because marinette wont let her go. their attempt to keep her within the system in marinette is a desperate hold on to a case thus causing more damage then the truancy itself. the truancy they claim was filed due to a string of "unexcused" absences. the school is given the power to determine what is excusable or not. appearently, the system encourages wasting tax dollars by requiring a low income family to obtain a doctors excuse each and every time a child has a sore throat or has the flu. a child cannot miss school unless a doctor says so. thus driving up heath care cost for the state. a note was sent with my daughter but was not accepted by the school. appearently it looks like a money generating machine, with all state and county employees involved in the money ring.
the federal government funds certain state and county programs, and funds the agencies that push the programs. for example. a person on probation can be jailed on something as simple as an allegation. who makes money for this? well, the jail gets federal funds for housing the inmate. then the jail also bills the inmate at a rate of $20 dollars per day. the probation office is federally funded to supervise and punish a person on probation. when a person is sitting in jail for no reason at all the probation officers utilize the district attorney, the state governer, and the department of corrections. they sometimes offer a state funded program to the inmate in exchange for their freedom. the programs are funded by the government and the county gets paid by the state. the probation officer is paid by the state to push the state programs. the innocense of the inmate plays no part in the probations decision. the families of the inmates lose their homes, businesses, families and property while in jail. then they are re forced back into the system to generate more money for the state. once in the system, you stay in the system. your money in the pockets of the state and county employees.
the other form of corruption is the connection between county and state offices. the fed gov pays the state, the state pays the county. the state public defender is paid to "represent" a defendant that the district attorney is prosecuting. also paid for by the state. thus ensuring the defendant a disgustingly horrible representation. the horrible representation assures the county a conviction in which holds penalties in which generate cash for the state which then pays the county.this is a joke. the fed gov uses tax dollars to manipulate the cash flow by employing corruption that ensures a generation of cash.its a loop or corruption that repeates itself. another example:the state public defenders office is shared with the probation office. these people share a coffee pot. the inner office corruption is not limited to any one office, but carries throughout the court system. the district attorney, state public deffender, the judges, county clerk, municipal, police, child support office etc. are all in the loop of corruption. the punishment is most always financial. people of the community are cash cows, and the so called system could care less of any rehabilitation of the convicted as long as they get the hook in their back and pocket book.
something needs to be done, or some very bad stuff is gonna happen. we the people will not stand for this corruption and abuse that rips our families apart and forces people to be homeless because the selfish state and county of our government is misusing their power to benifit financially. we the people are the system, but the system is being mismanaged buy an elected official. we need to UN elect the bastards.

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